Karl Jordan writes on LinkedIn about the risk to retail staff in a range of different retail sectors and situations: employees who face the threat of abuse and even violence from customers and others.

This is an unfortunate feature of modern life – the threats to staff going about their work. It extends beyond the retail sector to others where employees meet and interact with the public on a regular basis. This includes those working in government offices, in transport systems, and in the leisure and tourist industry.

To meet the risk of physical attack and verbal abuse Lodge Service has introduced a new conflict management system.

It effectively does what it says on the tin: it enables a shop worker or other system user to immediately alert the Intelligence Centre at LodgIC and get help. If an incident occurs the staff member can call for support at the touch of a button.

The operator at the intelligence Centre can then talk to and distract the customer or other person involved. The operator is trained to defuse these types of situations in the shortest possible time, with the priority of protecting the staff member and ending the confrontation.

The system has proved very popular as it goes to ensuring that employers at HQ are able to protect staff working remotely in shops and offices located anywhere in the country. It is all part of the duty of care that responsible employers should have for their staff.

A further attraction is the minimal installation cost. The system can be installed wirelessly over a current WiFi system in a shop, school, university or government office for example.

The conflict management system is effective for use throughout a building – there is a panic alarm key fob with a Bluetooth connection that extends the range of the device to 30m.

Contact us for details of a demonstration

Contact: Lodge Service – – [email protected] – 0800 289 080

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