Lodge Service are very pleased to announce a support partnership with Slough BID
Lodge Service are very pleased to announce a Community Warden support partnership with the Slough Business Improvement District, we look forward to working with the existing inhouse Warden team providing up to 80 hours of support cover every week within the area – wrking together to meet the joint aim of making Slough a great place to live, visit and do business – For a Brighter Future
Clarissa Parker – Slough BID Manager said:
We look forward to the support service delivery from Lodge within Slough BID. The combined team, working with our in-house Wardens, will continue to provide highly visible reassurance to our BID Levy Payers through an approachable and welcoming service. Lodge are a long-established company with 103 years of security operation, our management team look forward to utilising their experience gained within Business Improvement Districts and Retail outlets at a wide range of locations throughout the U.K. The Slough BID primary aim continues to be, managing and supporting those within our area who suffer nuisance and concern, targeting shoplifting an anti-social behaviour, driving intelligence reporting, working closely with the Police – “For a Brighter Future.
Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) are a great way for businesses to come together and pool their resources for the common good, but it can be hard to know who to turn to when you need help.
BIDs offer a wide range of services, but it can be hard to know who to go to when you need help. You might not even know where to start.
Lodge Service is here to help. We provide security support service delivery from Lodge within Business Improvement District. The combined team, working with our in-house Wardens, will continue to provide highly visible reassurance to our BID Levy Payers through an approachable and welcoming service.