Recent test purchasing operations have resulted in a number of staff dismissals and savings of over £5,000 for our retail clients
The Lodge Service Profit Protection Division support many retail clients by carrying out a regular ‘test purchasing’ programme, both random as part of an agreed Mystery Shopping programme and targeted, where retailers have concerns about the integrity of a particular member of staff.
The following recent case studies highlight the important role traditional test purchasing still plays in combatting employee theft:
Case Study 1
A coffee shop manager was concerned that his takings were considerably lower than usual whenever he went on holiday and asked if we could get check that all sales were being rung through the till correctly in his absence………
A short programme of test purchasing proved that the assistant manager was failing to record nearly half of all sales, placing the money into an open till drawer and simply removing it later whilst cashing up. An analysis of the takings since the individual left the business has established potential losses of nearly £3k over a 2-year period. Now awaiting further police action!
Case Study 2
A small charity retailer had received reports that one of their Shop Managers was pocketing money on a regular basis, placing the takings into a bag under the counter without ringing the sales through the till.
This was easily confirmed in just two visits by the Test Purchase team, resulting in a confession and subsequent dismissal.
Commented the delighted client:
“……..the recent TP in xxxx has led to a confession of theft, based on the detail and accuracy of the report provided by your assessor. Seems like it’s been a regular occurrence for some time. A huge thank you!”
About our Test Purchasing Provision:
Lodge Service were originally founded in 1919 as a Test Purchasing company in USA, supporting small independent retailers in combatting point of sale theft by dishonest employees.
We utilise a team of over 450 test purchasers on a national basis, allocating work through Sassie, our secure online database.
Other recent TP successes include:
The apprehension of a charity shop volunteer who was found to be inflating Gift Aid sales by falsely processing transactions under her own Gift Aid Donor ID. This would have major implications for the charity should HMRC become involved
The Pharmacist at an independent outlet who was processing private prescriptions and adding an additional 20% to each one, pocketing the excess money
The charity shop team that was involved in under-ringing sales on a regular basis and sharing the proceeds
For further information please contact our team