The Children’s Society are running two learning sessions for managers of retail stores selling electronic devices as part of UK Safer Internet Day on 8th February.
The aim of the sessions is to improve staff understanding of online exploitation and abuse and to increase staff confidence in engaging with parents, carers and other family members at the ‘point of sale’. We view the point of sale as a key opportunity to share safeguarding messages directly with those who are buying devices for children, contributing to the prevention of abuse and harm.
The sessions will explore the crucial role that the retail industry can play as allies in the fight against child exploitation and abuse, including online harms. We hope this session will:
• Improve knowledge of online exploitation and abuse to enable managers to cascade to staff teams
• Give managers confidence when answering questions about online safety that may arise from parents, carers and other family members at the ‘point of sale’.
• Provide an opportunity for managers to understand more about the ways their community is impacted by child exploitation.
• Facilitate sharing of ideas for how organisations can respond to child exploitation within and surrounding their stores, showing to customers their interest in keeping their community safe.
The sessions are being run on 2nd and 3rd February and you can access the Eventbrite links to book on here: